Inga Hamilton
Autistic PhD Researcher & Maker
Art Jewellery & Inhabitable Sculptures Blending the Spaces Between Species
Currently Showing: Inga Hamilton: The Things That Nonhuman Animals Make, National Glass Centre, Sunderland UK.
Next Symposium: Artists Normalising Multispecies Belonging Through Interspecies Communication Autumn '25.
Recipient of a 2024 Mike Davies Global Design Challenge Award
Recipient of a UKRI Full Doctoral Studentship Award Recipient of multiple Arts Council NI Awards
Workshops For Universities & Groups
The cross-fertilisation of traditional craft skills, new materials, and new technologies and environments fascinates me.
I love to share these skills and see people explore their boundaries, often turning up the most incredible outcomes.
Please use the Contact Me page to get in touch about inclusion in symposiums, lectures and residencies or if you would like to host one of my workshops for your group or university.
(with a little wild carding thrown in for good measure)
with Inga Hamilton
Learn how to create the fibre blends I made for the late Alexander McQueen
and I use for my own textile installation artworks that show in galleries worldwide.
Morning 10am – 12.30pm
• I will introduce you to the different fleeces and fibres I use, with a range of samples to handle, and pictures of my work.
• Then it’s down to business. Using one of two inspirational images you bring with you, you will learn how to acid dye small samples of my fleece in your chosen colours and set them to dry over lunch.
Afternoon 1.30pm – 4.30pm
•I will explain how I use (and abuse) the acid dyeing techniques you learned in the morning to create my mottled roving.
• Using your second image, you will mottle dye a 50g length of roving in your own colour choices ready for spinning, felting or stroking.
•Using your samples and image from the morning, you will wild card them with a exciting range of additions to create a batt ready for spinning, felting or drooling over.
Each workshop attendee will leave with a 50g length of hand-dyed roving, a 50g wild-carded batt.
Other Workshops Available
Creature Workshop
A one or two day workshop for
a group of at least 7. Inspired by
my Mother Of All sculpture, participants use one of my pre-sculpted forms to
create a textile creature's head.
(Seen here part finished.)
Suitable for adults and
accompanied children (13yrs+).
Acid Dyeing for Beginners
Perfect for the complete novice.
A half-day workshop learning the
basics of acid dyeing wool.
At the end of the workshop, each participant will have two lengths
of personally-dyed roving to
take away for felting or spinning.
Workshop can alternatively
cover yarn dyeing for knitters
and crocheters.
Wild Carding
A half-day workshop in wild carding.
Learn about different fibres; from wool
to banana and bamboo to milk protein.
Then learn to wild card them into batts
ready for spinning or felting.
Freeform Crochet
My Way
A one day workshop learning how
to freeform crochet. Course reveals
how I construct my signature shapes
and include them in my freeform
crochet artworks.
Crocheting experience essential.
Building a
Woodland Loom
A one to two day workshop learning
how to build a woodland loom.
Using technology used by the Vikings (and possibly in Neolithic times) you will build a loom in the trees which can be re-used. Then learn to warp it up and get weaving with whatever inspires you!
No experience necessary, but at least 3 people needed.
A one or two day workshop learning to embrace the outdoor environment and create ephemeral adornments.
Using string, crochet, wire and punches, explore nature's colours and spaces. The pieces created live on only in your photogographs.
Sculpting Smoked Ceramic Birds
Two, one-day workshops, a week apart. Day one: Learn how to sculpt my small birds from clay with simple tools.
Day two: Learn how to make a small pit for smoking ceramics, and smoke your birds 'til they're toasty brown.